Request for Donation
The Public Interest Incorporated Foundation Tochigi International Association offers a variety of projects to create a regional community which is both safe and comfortable to live, where residents are accepting of each other's difference of nationalities and cultural backgrounds.
Our foundation's operating expenses are covered by donations from individual and corporate.
Funds which you donate will be used for our business operations.
We would be most grateful for your understanding and support our foundation's business operations.
Our corporation has been authorized as a "Public Interest Incorporated Foundation." Therefore, any donations made to the foundation will be treated as payment to a "Special Public-Service Promotion Foundation," and will be exempt from tax.
In addition, tax reforms introduced in fiscal 2011 included a new "tax credit" setup, for individual donations made to administrative agency approved Public Interest Incorporated Foundations and Public Interest Incorporated Associations. Our foundation received this approval on November 22, 2011.
Accordingly, individuals who make donations to our foundation are able to choose from either "deduction from taxable income" or "tax credit" when making final income tax returns.
Donations made to "Special Public-Service Promotion Foundation" by people affiliated with the foundation can be included in special deductible expenses.
Deduction for Donation
Individuals and corporate person who have made donations to our foundation will be given preferential treatment.
Preferential tax treatment for individuals
Preferential tax treatment for corporation(Japanese only)